Bambach Landscape Architectural Services LLC
The Bambach Difference:
Working with an independent Landscape Architect: First I’d like to point out several of the advantages one has by using an independent Landscape Architect verses first going to a Landscape Contractor.
Design Quality: The design abilities of Landscape Contracting firms can vary dramatically. Some companies have excellent design staff; others, hardly any ability at all; and everything in between. With my services, you can be at ease knowing that you are working with someone with years of landscape architectural and horticultural experience.
Flexibility in Material Selection: In several aspects, there is a greater sense of independence afforded to you when working directly with a landscape architect. When it comes to choosing both hardscape or plant materials, you are not relegated to what any particular contractor wants to use up out of their stock. I know what is available in the Greater Cincinnati area, and in my mind, all those materials are available for you as well.
Independence in Selecting a Contractor: Once you have a completed independent design, the design is yours, and you can approach more than one contractor to offer an estimate to install it. There is no feeling of being tied down to one contractor; and no awkwardness in approaching a second landscape contractor to bid on another contractor’s design.
Other Advantages to using my services are:
Horticultural knowledge: I am one of less than a handful of Registered Landscape Architects in Greater Cincinnati who has a Bachelor's degree in Horticulture. Simply put: I know which plants work, and which ones do not. I love working with plants as much as I do landscape architecture.
My Design Work: My designs are guided by what my clients like as well as the existing nature of the site. I do not have one fixed way of designing. If a house is formal and symmetrical, I compliment the house with a formal landscape plan. If a property is very loose and organic, with an informal home, I’ll compliment that in my design. I do my design work using Computer Aided Drafting. The designs are easily read, and everything is drawn to an accurate scale.
Business Relationships: I’ve been doing this work for a while. I know who does quality installation work, and who has quality landscape materials.
Design Costs: I charge my services by the hour. With my several years of experience, I am rather efficient with my time. Before starting my work, I can provide a general idea of what the final price range would be based on previous designs I have done.